Jackson Reynolds

My three cards

Jackson Reynolds

My finle base

Jackson Reynolds

This is my base for my minifigures

Jackson Reynolds

This is my base

Jackson Reynolds

My thrid minifigure

Jackson Reynolds

My second minifigure

Jackson Reynolds

post 4

Jackson Reynolds

I am starting to design my cards.

post 3

Jackson Reynolds

Today I made I list of things I need to get for my Minifigures. They include a red cape, a skull mask with horns, a body pice, and a sword.  

Class 3

Jackson Reynolds

Today in class I started painting the Horned king Minifigure. I think that I will just stick to the idea that I only had to just use minfigure pieces instead of having to paint them. I think this because it is taking too much time.

The horned king mini-figure scetch in color

Jackson Reynolds