Day 10 - Done!

oliver choi

Plan of Attack:

- Use iPad #7 to view the introduction video
- Use Macbook #5 to do the Dragon Game Presentation. (Using studio play mode.)

Mr.Sanborn will present my project in the Squash Court for me (I am not going to be there.)

Day 9 - Testing

oliver choi

There is not enough time to make this game into Oculus.

Instead, I made the game public for all users. I will share the link to the game during Fessycon. I am recording a video to present because I can not go to Fessycon.

Day 8 - Screen Recording

oliver choi
Screen Recording 2022-03-08 at 1.45.33

Screen Recording Documentation
+ Fixed Scripts
+ Testing Finally Done!
+ Fun begins…

Day 7 - Sandwings + Music

oliver choi

Overall song: linear ring - enchanted love

Sand Area 1

Grass Area 1

Grass Area 2

Day 6 - Added Music + More Dragons

oliver choi

+ Different Rotations of the Dragon
+ Music Added:
- OMORI - Not-So-Empty-House
- OMORI - I Will Catch Up
- [BOFXVI] linear ring - enchanted love
- Sound Souler - Empty Stars

Day 5 - Music Adding

oliver choi

+ Adding Music!

Surveying People for favorite Music for next update!

+ Adding Seawing, Mudwing, and Sandwing
+ Testing 20% Done

Making dragon inspired by the Blender Art Above.

Day 4 - Terrains & Dragons

oliver choi

Finally, a basic dragon model (free, provided by Roblox) added. Fixed some bugs & Edited the terrain. Making variants of dragons. (Volcanic and Icewing done.)

- Added Dragons
- Added Variants
- Changed Lighting
- Added Background
+ Adding Music Later

The image of the build is coming out tomorrow!

- Sandy and Grass Terrain Done
- Wall Done
- Finished Ladders
- Edited Physics (higher speed and lower gravity to ensure a better experience)
- Added GUI (Introduction to Game)
- Randomized Spawn in Different Areas

Day 2 - Roblox Studio Engineering

oliver choi

Finalizing Terrain.
+Added View Base
+Added Trees, Rocks, Basic Features
+Added Volcanoes, and other decoration
+More Terrains coming soon.

Adding Dragons/Planning
+Different kinds of dragons planned (Icewing, Seawing, Mudwing, etc.)
+Currently WIP (Work In Process)

Day I - Blender Tutorial

oliver choi

Easy Beginner Dinosaur Tutorial.
Using CCI Macbook #5