Briere, Oh, & Clish

final code

Matthew Oh and 2 OthersEscher Briere
Mason Clish
#include <OneWire.h>#include <DallasTemperature.h>#include <Servo.h>
// Pin configurationsconst int oneWireBus = A0;  // Pin where DS18B20 is connectedconst int servoPin = 12;    // Pin for the servo motor
// Create a OneWire instance to communicate with the DS18B20 sensorOneWire oneWire(oneWireBus);
// Pass our OneWire reference to DallasTemperatureDallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);
// Create servo objectServo myServo;
// Temperature threshold (in Celsius)const float tempThresholdCelsius = 30.0;  // Temperature in Celsius (corresponds to ~86°F)
float currentTemp = 0.0;  // To keep track of the current temperature
void setup() {  // Start serial communication for debugging  Serial.begin(9600);
  // Start the Dallas Temperature library  sensors.begin();
  // Attach the servo to the pin  myServo.attach(servoPin);
  // Initialize the servo position to 0 degrees  myServo.write(0);}
void loop() {  // Request temperature readings from the DS18B20  sensors.requestTemperatures();
  // Get temperature in Celsius from the first sensor (assuming only one sensor is connected)  float tempC = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);
  // Check if the temperature is valid  if (tempC == DEVICE_DISCONNECTED_C) {    Serial.println("Error: Could not read temperature data.");    return;  }
  // Print temperature to Serial Monitor  Serial.print("Temperature: ");  Serial.print(tempC);  Serial.println(" °C");
  // Check if the temperature exceeds the threshold (30°C)  if (tempC > tempThresholdCelsius) {    // If the temperature is above 30°C, move the servo to 90 degrees (stay there)    if (currentTemp <= tempThresholdCelsius) {      myServo.write(0);  // Move servo to 90 degrees      Serial.println("Servo moved to 90 degrees.");    }  } else {    // If the temperature is below 30°C, move the servo to 0 degrees (stay there)    if (currentTemp > tempThresholdCelsius) {      myServo.write(90);  // Move servo to 0 degrees      Serial.println("Servo moved to 0 degrees.");    }  }
  // Update the current temperature for the next loop iteration  currentTemp = tempC;
  // Wait 1 second before reading the temperature again  delay(1000);}


Escher Briere and 2 OthersMason Clish
Matthew Oh
Pine cone Windows.dxf



Mason Clish and 2 OthersEscher Briere
Matthew Oh
windows 2.dxf



Matthew Oh and 2 OthersEscher Briere
Mason Clish

house iteration 2

Matthew Oh and 2 OthersEscher Briere
Mason Clish
lasercut 2.3dm


lasercut 2 progress

Mason Clish and 2 OthersEscher Briere
Matthew Oh
lasercut 2.3dm

not done

Arduino with heat sensor

Matthew Oh and 2 OthersEscher Briere
Mason Clish
#include <OneWire.h>#include <DallasTemperature.h>#include <Servo.h>
// Pin configurationsconst int oneWireBus = A0;  // Pin where DS18B20 is connectedconst int servoPin = 12;    // Pin for the servo motor
// Create a OneWire instance to communicate with the DS18B20 sensorOneWire oneWire(oneWireBus);
// Pass our OneWire reference to DallasTemperatureDallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);
// Create servo objectServo myServo;
// Temperature threshold (in Celsius)const float tempThresholdCelsius = 30.0;  // Temperature in Celsius (corresponds to ~90°F)
void setup() {  // Start serial communication  Serial.begin(9600);
  // Start the Dallas Temperature library  sensors.begin();
  // Attach the servo to the pin  myServo.attach(servoPin);}
void loop() {  // Request temperature readings from the DS18B20  sensors.requestTemperatures();
  // Get temperature in Celsius from the first sensor (assuming only one sensor is connected)  float tempC = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);
  // Check if the temperature is valid  if (tempC == DEVICE_DISCONNECTED_C) {    Serial.println("Error: Could not read temperature data.");    return;  }
  // Print temperature to Serial Monitor  Serial.print("Temperature: ");  Serial.print(tempC);  Serial.println(" °C");
  // If temperature exceeds the threshold, move servo motors 180 degrees 4 times  if (tempC > tempThresholdCelsius) {    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {      myServo.write(90);  // Move servo to 180 degrees      delay(500);           // Wait for the servo to reach the position      myServo.write(30);    // Move servo back to 0 degrees      delay(500);           // Wait for the servo to reach the position    }  }
  // Wait 1 second before reading the temperature again  delay(1000);}

rhino lasercut

Mason Clish and 2 OthersEscher Briere
Matthew Oh
pine cone window 1.dxf

yes lasercut

Responsive Design

Fessy iLab and 3 OthersEscher Briere
Mason Clish
Matthew Oh

Embracing the Future: Smart and Responsive Architecture

Fessy iLab and 3 OthersEscher Briere
Mason Clish
Matthew Oh