Current Idea

Charles Juhas and oliver choi

Topic: Fire Safety

Idea: Giant Sequoia-inspired infrastructure

Problem: Fire burns and destroys infrastructure, causing casualties and huge economic losses. When inhaling smoke from wildfires, humans can experience serious cardiovascular issues, including heart attack or heart failure.

Solution: We are using the property of Giant Sequoia trees to make infrastructure fire-resistant (takes much longer time to burn, less likely to burn) and not release harmful gas when burned.

Properties Biomimicking: 

Giant Sequoia trees –

  • Thick, fire-resistant bark that protects vital inner layers.

  • High moisture content in wood, slowing combustion.


Inner Core: Mimicking Giant Sequoia Bark

  • Use a bark texture on wood to emulate the thick sequoia bark.

  • Incorporate moisture-retaining gel layers to emulate high-moisture content of sequoia bark.

Self-Watering System:

  • Install an automated watering system on the exterior that mimics natural moisture retention of sequoia wood.

  • Use sensors to maintain consistent wood moisture levels and activate water sprinklers during high heat.