Frogs: they even eat the skin to recycle nutrition!
A broken roof that leaks water and can't keep temperatures steady can be fixed by using ideas from crabs for replacement and sea sponges for restructuring, keeping everything safe and stable.
Sketch/idea #1
Sketch/idea #2
Iteration #1
Proof of concept #1 - Elevator
Proof of concept #2 - Servo
Challenge: Material Selection
Problem: The wood was too heavy for the servo motor to lift.
When cutting cardboard, the laser cutter will put the cardboard on fire.
Solution: Instead of changing the roof material, we changed the motor into a stronger one with a stronger extended arm. To make sure the board goes up, we glued the tile on to the arm.
Mid Review Feedbacks:
Maybe we can use growable material to make the roof. When a part is missing, it will automatically grow and be fixed.
We love the idea of automatically growing roof...but we can't make it
Efficiency: A more advanced project will have only one backup piece and automatically move there when it detects the roof broken.
We don't have a camera or a sensor that knows which piece falls off in CCI...
if we were to use nine sensors and code each of them, it wouldn't be realistic in a big real roof (too many pieces)
NONE of it works...
Pressure Sensor
Change of Sensor
A presser sensor is too hard to activate with a piece of wood (might be plausible in real life with a tile)
A photoresistor can work here, too—when the tile is removed, there's light coming in