
Erick Sun

Reflect on at least three takeaways that you learned from creating your project.

1. I learned that looking and building things on a deeper perspective, and I understood that feedback from different people matter a lot, because different people have a different perspective on your topic.

2. I learned that help and support from others were crucial, and you have to ask for help when you don't understand a topic really well.

3. I learned that teamwork is really important, because distributing your roles well means that you and your group mate can complete the project with maximum efficiency.

Explain what was difficult for you during this process and why.

I felt that coding with Arduino was really hard. It took me more than 2 days to figure out the code for our fire, and especially with how a switch was going to trigger the system turning on or off. Mr Tuttle, Mr Lew, and Ms Ray helped me a lot, and Mr Tuttle supported me and worked with me even though I really wanted to give up because the coding part is really confusing and is putting me into a predicament. I felt like I wasn't making any progress, and I thought of not being able to complete the project on time.

Talk about feedback that you received and how you were able to incorporate that into your process.  

We learned from the teachers that we needed to show a deeper meaning behind what we are trying to tell, instead of showing everything that mattered or happened in Tony's life. We also learned that we should use more abstract and symbolistic objects or patterns to represent what we are trying to show to the audience, which is anger, brutality, and limitation of freedoms. We also got the feedback of making the project more interactive, and overall, I felt that the project was interesting, and I received many useful comments from teachers and coaches.