
Ben Su

Reflect on at least three takeaways that you learned from creating your project.

1) The first takeaway is that I learned more about how to use the laser cutter and also some of the tools in the CCI

2) The second takeaway from this project is that I learned how to corporate with my partners and that time management is important

3)  The third takeaway is that we are not trying to recreate the memory but to include sensory details to make people feel in the moment that the interviewees were in

Explain what was difficult for you during this process and why.

The difficult part of the process is that sometimes we don't have classes together with my partners, so I would have to do some parts of the project on my own.

Talk about feedback that you received and how you were able to incorporate that into your process.  

After the mid review, the coaches suggested us to do the final project without the tricycle idea but remain the idea of the hubcaps spinning so there are sensory details. We took their suggestions and focused more on the hubcaps than the tricycle.