
Henry Pan

1. I learned how to use the laser cutter and I am finally familiar with all the procedures now. 

2. I learned that although feedbacks and suggestions from our coaches are very important, we don't necessarily have to follow their instructions. We should incorporate their suggestions and our original ideas together.

3. I learned that time management is very important when working on a project. Although we had about three weeks in total to finish the project, a lot of things were done at the last minute. 

Explain what was difficult for you during this process and why.

A difficulty that we faced during this process was definitely time management. We laser cut most of our things on the last work day and we didn't have much time to finish the presentation. We should have finished 90% of the work before the last day. Another problem that we faced throughout the process was the fact that we were suggested a new idea three days before the presentation. Although the idea was really good, we didn't have enough time to accomplish it, therefore we had to go with our original design. 

Talk about feedback that you received and how you were able to incorporate that into your process.  

Before the mid review presentation, Aaron and I only focused on the idea of a single test tube holder. However, after the presentation, Mrs.Jones suggested us to make a map and Mrs.M suggested us to decorate the test tube holder. Eventually, we went with Mrs.M's idea and later on Ms. Minifie suggested us to create some texture onto the test tube holder. Therefore, we engraved a picture of the Stockholm city hall on the front of the test tube holder.