
Asad Syed

My first takeaway was directly from Madelyn, "if you still can, get to know your grandparents. Ask them questions, record your conversation and cherish it. Learn about them" That is something that really hit me home because I only have one grandparent left and I am definitely going to really get to know her before I can't anymore. My second takeaway is the effect that I can have on people. I went into this project having no idea what to expect and not even knowing this person but, the impact that we had on her through a project was astounding. The same way it impacted her, it impacted me. The last thing I took away from this project was how to manage time well. We only had so much time to make this project. We had to change our idea, recreate our prototype and many other edits. But in the end, we created a great project and I'm super proud of it.

Once we made our change from our first prototype we had difficulty making personalizations to the project. We weren't sure what to do but with the help of other coaches in the iLab and teachers, we found more efficient ways to make our project that much more special.

The feedback we received at the mid review basically fueled our advancement. The coach suggested to elongate the star of David for our kaleidoscope vessel. We did exactly that and made edits and tweaks accordingly.