
Max Gelb

At first, I was very confused with project, because we were told to complete many unrelated assignments. Once we interviewed Madeline, I understood the plan for what we had to do next in the project. After we interviewed Madeline, a takeaway I had was how much we were able to learn about her life since we had never met her. We then worked on prototypes, sketches and building the kaleidoscope. After Mid-Reviews we had feedback to personalize the kaleidoscope more, and find a memory to represent the kaleidoscope. We then personalized the kaleidoscope more by using red and blue beads, and decorating the outside of the kaleidoscope. So another takeaway I had was how easy it was to apply feedback and make changes to our kaleidoscope and presentation from that feedback. I think that it was sometimes difficult for our group to agree and/or make decisions that would change our project. Another takeaway, I had was how capable we were of making things in the ILAB. There were times where we were very productive and completed work that we didn't think we would be able to finish in that time.