Artist Statement - Jason Wang and Peter Barkley

Artist Statement - Jason Wang and Peter Barkley

Jason Wang and Peter Barkley

Our project is designed to recall moments from one of Tony's past travels. Tony was a person who was always on the go. He traveled around Europe, the U.S., and Asia. Tony loved folk music as well as singers Bob Dylan and Jone Baez. However, one story that stuck out to us was when Tony was in Egypt. In Egypt, he split off from his group near the pyramids of Giza to take some close up shots. Instead, he found a bunch of prisoners ordered to break rocks by uniformed guards behind the pyramid. We chose to use cardboard for our project because it is lightweight. A key feature is using mirrors to reflect and showcase a broader view of his surroundings.  We made a handheld camera so Tony could revoke the emotion and feelings when he took the picture there. We left some room for the lens to move as if Tony was looking around through his camera.

"The golden sand sizzled under my feet. The monotonous beating of the rocks resonated with my pounding heart as a line of uniformed men barked sharp orders, sending jolts down the prisoners' spine. My hands trembled at the sight, and the camera shook, blurring the unsightly view. "