Artist Statement

Idrissa Ballo and Erick Sun

The idea behind our invention is that we wanted to make something symbolic for Tony to really hit home for him. When we interviewed Tony, he told us an anecdote about how he visited the pyramids in Egypt in the 70s, and while he was there he saw a prisoner and prison guard. The prisoner started defecating, and to clean himself, he had used a stone. Tony said this changed his perspective on life, as he then realized how privileged he was. Erick and I wanted to make a symbolic figure and with the help of Mr. Minehart, we laser-cut fire in the shape of 2 triangles with an led strip going in between, displaying different colors such as red, yellow and a rainbow color. We then placed 21 different hieroglyphs around the box and the little plank of wood in the front reads "Anger, Shame".

The excruciating heat and fierce winds began to leech on my face and as I got closer, I could see the prisoner using a piece of rough, gray gravel as toilet paper to clean himself.  I held my camera near my eyes ready to take a shot, but then heard the prison guard yell, "HEYY!!"

I then ran away without hesitation, holding my camera as tightly as possible. As the heat continued to pound on my body, and as the dusty winds began to fill my nostrils, I  pictured what life would be like if I were in that same predicament. This moment changed my life forever.