Historical Context

Brendan McCabe

The 1970 were an eventful time for The United States. One of the biggest events was the The Vietnam War. Judy told us that as a young woman the Vietnam War was a very stressful time for her. Many of her friends were drafted, some of them she never heard from again. She told us that this took a toll on her, and camping with her husband was an escape for her. 

The 1970's were also a very sad time for the U.S. The war resulted in  sorrow across the nation, and in 1977  Elvis Presley was found dead in his home, Death by heart attack. In 1979 Iranian militants illegally raided the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and took 52 hostages, they were held for 444 days in Iran. There were also a number great things that happened,  President Nixon and 13 other countries at Camp David signed the framework for peace.