fessy Con probosal

fessy Con probosal

Benjamin Fernandez

I am Benjamin Fernandez and for fessy con, read Dagon Run by Patrick Mathews. My project will be a themed monopoly with all the places my book has been. It is just like all the star wars themed monopoly games. As pieces there will be different charters from the book. I will make paper money for it. It will be themed on the book.

As pieces, there will be different charters from the book which will be 3d printed. The Board will be made out of cardboard so I will need the cardboard cutter and will paint. I will need paper for the money and the cards. I don't think I will need to be in the CCI too much just for the cardboard cutting and 3d printing otherwise I think I can just do it in the class.

I should get approved by the Fessy Con Selection Committee because my project is fun to play and most people already know how to play monopoly so most people know how to play it. Also, it will show pictures and teach people about the book and the settings. I think you guys want an exciting game I think Fessy Con Selection Committee should let me participate in this year's fessy Con.