FESSY CON proposal

FESSY CON proposal

Luke Alessi

Name: Luke Alessi

Date 2/16/2023

Fessy Con Proposal

The Hobbit proposal 

My name is Luke Alessi and The book I read was The Hobbit. The Hobbit is a very exciting book so exciting I want to bring it to life in the form of cosplay. In the book, there are many characters, my favorite character is Kili.  I am going to bring him to life. A few things that define Kili is he is the most skilled bowsman person in the group because of this I will be making a bow and arrows along with a leather top and some chains. Along with a sword he dies in the battle of the five armies but does not go down without a fight he takes out a lot of people with his bow and sword he is also one of the main characters and is also one of the strongest soldiers in the team.

For the costume, I will need a lot of materials to make it work. I would need leather and chain along with wood, rope, string a wig, and wool. I would work on one piece at a time so I do not have too much at once I would work on the important pieces first and the less important piece after. This way if I run short on time I would have something to show instead of nothing. For it to work I might need to get some pieces already made because I do not have a ton of time to finish. I would also need some help with the project to get it done like Mr. Jones, Mr. Perez, and Science Bob.

 I should be hired because I am a very hard-working person and will make good use of my time. I have seven classes to work on in the CCI and have things to work on the project at home. My project will be very intriguing it is about this team of people that work together to fight armies of Orks and try to stop a dragon named Smaug who took all of the dwarf's gold. The project would be me dressed up as Kili one of the main characters in the book. If you don’t think this is intriguing then I don’t know what is.