Today I made my sketch of what I needed. Then I worked on my project and the next day I will make my project and test cut it.
Day 2
During day two I made my sliding box and laser cut it. I just started to hot glue it together and next class I will finish the hot glue and let it dry.
Day 3
During day three I finished my box. I sautered my box and also added LEDs inside. My next idea is to make a bow and arrow. To do that I will laser cut it.
Day 4/5
On day 4 I made my bow with string and laser cut, today I also worked more on my mid review.
Tommorow we are presenting mid-reviews so I will be able to do nothing but The day after I plan to make my arrow to go with my bow.
Day 6
Today in class I made my stand to hold my bow. It will hold my bow when I present during fessy con. I am also taking to Ms. Cook about what the next steps are.
Day 7
Today in class I worked on my final Fessy con Print document and I went to the CCI to make a quiver for my arrows but it did not end up working out.