Over Sea Under Stone.
This project I will make the script and the goblet that came from the book. It is a very important part of the story because it leads to treasure.
This is the goblet I am trying to go for. I know it won't look exactly like this but I will try to make them as close as I can.
This is the paper I will go for when I'm making my script. I think I have a very close replica of this.
This is the sketch with my goblet and script.
This is my goblet that I made out of clay.
Iteration 1:
Iteration 2:
This is the script that I made look old with tea.
Iteration 3
I redid the bowl and made it look more even.
Final product. I made the script smaller so it can fit in the goblet and it, also has to sides one in Latin and one in English.
Final product. I painted the goblet gold like in the story.