Albert Reflection

Aden Albert

In our design, Mason and I made a marble track with a see-saw mechanism that would drop the marble onto the track, eventually leading to a cup at the bottom. Something that went well for our group was persevering through our struggles. We went back and forth between a see-saw, swing, and wheel, and then used the see-saw idea. Our see-saw didn't initially work, however we managed to make it functional by the time we had to present. Something that didn't go as well was the speed control of the marble going down the track. Our initial ramp wasn't slanted enough so the marble had a tough time making its way down the track and would often get stuck. This happened multiple times in our presentation. Something we could have done better in the future would be not thinking as much about the see-saw and making it simpler so that we had more time to make the functionality of the rest of the track better. In conclusion, I believe that this project helped me better understand time management within a limited time frame and I am excited to work on the major upcoming project.

Juhas Reflection

Charles Juhas

For our marble track, Jack and I designed a four-ramp track that descended into a cup, triggering a pulley mechanism to transfer the marble to another cup. However, during our allotted trials, the marble either fell off the ramp before it reached the cup or missed the cup entirely. In hindsight, we could utilize our time more effectively to ensure the track functioned properly before we had to present it in front of the class. To improve functionality, we would have added a wall behind the initial cup to prevent the marble from avoiding it and implemented speed bumps along the ramps to reduce the marble's momentum and keep it on the track. Overall, I think we had a good idea, but failing to complete this task opened my eyes to areas for growth, which will be helpful to keep in mind as we tackle the major project.