Impact of a Word
By Zenas, Damien, And Adam.
After our interview process with Mr Guthrie, we settled upon our thesis of, the impact of a word
Our Thesis
Conceptual Precedent, Domino effect
Technical Precedent, Puzzle pieces
Additional Precedent,
Keyhole, we decided to not go with this idea after further thought.
Mid Review Sketches
These are all of our sketches before. Some ideas that we had are looking through a keyhole, a wall protecting a castle, and a puzzle. They all symbolized the idea of perseverance, or smaller to a bigger picture
The Main sketch, we decided to make our project this because of mid-review feedback
Iteration #1
First design. Damien made it, this design didn't capture the idea we wanted to potray though, so we kept tweaking it.
Iteration #2
Second design, made by Adam, we liked the idea but wanted to make it more interactive to symbol growth
Third design,
made by Adam
The first print was made out of acrylic. (didn't stick with the design because it was very hard to solve)
The forth design, added the bigger and the smaller words.
Final design
We made a box with the hope of creating a diorama and extending our project visually (it didn't work out because it wasn't symbolic)
Idea that we wanted to incorporate, didn't have the time
This gif shows us assembling the puzzle
Booth Photos
Booth Photos
Thank You!!