Fessy Con 2024

Day 4

Wyatt Delpidio
English board game - Component A (3).svg

By this day I have realized that many of my original ideas of the game are not going to work or would take too long. I also designed my new board. And finished printing the other playing pieces (the obelisk). However, the sword was printed too big to fit on the board, and now I have to reprint it. The only remaining thing for me to do is make the cards and add more decorations to my board.

Day 5

Nolan Del Papa

Day 5

Today I worked on the top of my brush. I plan to 3D print it out and put it on top of my dowell. Than I will put wire trough the holes on the 3D print.

day 3-4

John Higgins

on these two days, I was stressed about the model magic and also had trouble thinking of ideas, so I did not get much done.


Benton Tolley

Day 2

John Higgins

Today I started making the little blurbs about places in Artime and Quill.

Day 3

Evan Slocum

Today I finished the inner part of all of the legs. I am now starting to put model magic on top of the inner parts.

Day 2

Evan Slocum

Today I started working on the legs. I made the first leg using styrofoam.

Day 5

Jeremy Zhang

I feel like at this point I am screwed because everything is going in the wrong direction. The 3d printer was not working, even if I finish printing it, it is only 1/5 of the sword.


Qihan Liu
Copy of DRAGON!!! (1).zip



Tihan Kushch
Untitled Project - Component A (8).svg
