Fessy Con 2024

The map

Ryder Kavet

Day 2 change of plans on the map. I am making it with two sticks insted of tubes.

Lazer cut acrylic box

James Warren
Untitled Project - Component A (4).svg

lazer cut

Fessy Con day 1 proposal.

Luke Spelman

On day one of the Fessy Con project, I made a very good proposal. I proposed to have the other world be in the book so it looks like it is opening to a magical world. I need to 3d print some mini figures. Overall day one was a success.

I started working on my laser cut.

Findlay Peteet
Fessy con - Component A.svg


Ryder Kavet

the cheese failed but I will restart it

My 3d Print

Charles Winchester

My Sketch

Charles Winchester

Day 2 Fessy Con

Camden Bialek

I built the roof of the side room

Fessy Con Day #2

Arav Mankodi

Day 2

Today I planned out everything I need and when I will do what. I also made this cardboard base which will be the base for when I start building.

Day 1 Fessy Con

Camden Bialek

Day 1 I made the outside of the house. I purposely made it look kinda icky because it s an abandoned house in the book.