House Pictures

Charles Juhas and oliver choi

hole fixed

Cheng Pang and Zengzi Li

First try+ fail 

Prototype rhino file

Matthew Oh and 2 OthersEscher Briere
Mason Clish


Day 2 - Progress

oliver choi and Charles Juhas

Today, we...

  1. Drew our exterior sketch
  2. Finished building the infrastructure

code day 2

Yichao Xie and Shiran Guo
// Define the pin connected to the pressure sensor (FSR)const int fsrPin = A0;  // FSR sensor connected to analog pin A0
// Define the threshold value to detect pressureint threshold = 500;  // Adjust this value based on your sensor's response
void setup() {  // Start the serial communication  Serial.begin(9600);
  // Wait for the serial monitor to be ready  while (!Serial) {    ; // Wait for the serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port boards.  }
  // Print a startup message  Serial.println("Pressure Sensor Example Initialized");}
void loop() {  // Read the analog value from the sensor (0 to 1023)  int sensorValue = analogRead(fsrPin);
  // Print the sensor value to the serial monitor (optional)  Serial.print("FSR Value: ");  Serial.println(sensorValue);
  // Check if the sensor value exceeds the threshold  if (sensorValue > threshold) {    Serial.println("Pressure Sensed");  // Print when pressure is detected  }
  // Add a small delay to make the serial output readable  delay(500);  // 500ms delay}

Pinecone House Gears

Escher Briere and 2 OthersMason Clish
Matthew Oh

Fire Resistant Housing (Precedent)

Curt Lewellyn and 2 OthersCharles Juhas
oliver choi

Document day1

Yichao Xie and Shiran Guo

Today, we finalized our idea and decided how we are going to make our special roof. After receiving advice from Ms. M and combining both of the roof ideas we had before, we are going to make a self-repairable roof where one piece falls off; it will be a second piece automatically delivered to fill the hole.


Zengzi Li and Cheng Pang

Current Idea

Charles Juhas and oliver choi

Topic: Fire Safety

Idea: Giant Sequoia-inspired infrastructure

Problem: Fire burns and destroys infrastructure, causing casualties and huge economic losses. When inhaling smoke from wildfires, humans can experience serious cardiovascular issues, including heart attack or heart failure.

Solution: We are using the property of Giant Sequoia trees to make infrastructure fire-resistant (takes much longer time to burn, less likely to burn) and not release harmful gas when burned.

Properties Biomimicking: 

Giant Sequoia trees –

  • Thick, fire-resistant bark that protects vital inner layers.

  • High moisture content in wood, slowing combustion.


Inner Core: Mimicking Giant Sequoia Bark

  • Use a bark texture on wood to emulate the thick sequoia bark.

  • Incorporate moisture-retaining gel layers to emulate high-moisture content of sequoia bark.

Self-Watering System:

  • Install an automated watering system on the exterior that mimics natural moisture retention of sequoia wood.

  • Use sensors to maintain consistent wood moisture levels and activate water sprinklers during high heat.