Responsive Design

Fessy iLab and 3 OthersEscher Briere
Mason Clish
Matthew Oh

Mid-Review Feedback

Jack LaRovere Abrams and Yizhe Ying

The main feedback we received from our feedback was exploring the trickle-down method in a more in-depth manner. Looking at not just having water flow after completely flooding the pot but also letting some flow out of the bottom. We also want to explore filtration systems to prevent dirt from flowing down with the water. In addition to this, we plan to see if there is time to incorporate a water sensor that will detect if the soil is dry to automatically dispense water.

Feedback From Midreview

Davison Wayne and Aden Albert

show sap and mechanisms in a final presentation

gif/video for the final

say favorite gpt feedback

incorporate areas with humidity sensors

Mid review Feedback

Zengzi Li and Cheng Pang
  1. Focus more on Mechanical design, try to play with different combinations.
  2. Consider the shape of most greenhouses, most do not have a flat top
  3. Try to take it one step at a time, make one piece move first as compared to 4 pieces at the same time.
  4. Take the closing threshold into consideration, figure out at what lumen do the roof close and when it opens. 
  5. Consider incorporating a manual switch to open/close roof 

Mid-Review Presentation

Shiran Guo and Yichao Xie


Jack LaRovere Abrams and Yizhe Ying

Mid Review

Curt Lewellyn and 2 OthersJack LaRovere Abrams
Yizhe Ying


Fessy iLab and 2 OthersCheng Pang
Zengzi Li

Coding Day 1

Cheng Pang and Zengzi Li

Li Initial sketches

Zengzi Li and Cheng Pang