Reflect on at least three takeaways that you learned from creating your project.
1. I learned that when you and your classmates are on the same page, and they know exactly what you have in mind, your work will be much more efficient. And when they aren't seeing eye to eye, you work will not be great.
2. While making a project, you must focus on each step with the same attention. If one step goes wrong all of the others will as well.
3. Your prototypes and initial thoughts will decided the outcome of your whole project. No idea is a bad one at first.
Explain what was difficult for you during this process and why.
What was difficult for me during this process, was not knowing the route I would take to make the gas mask. Before building the gas mask, I had no plan for what it would be made out of, or how it would end up. I just thought that ideas would come to my head as I go along. That did not work. About midway through the project I was lost and I had no idea how to make a mask of any sort. The biggest difficulty for me through this, was that I was unable to plan ahead, so when it came to making the mask, at points me and my group were lost.
Talk about feedback that you received and how you were able to incorporate that into your process.
The feedback that we received on our initial ideas were very constructive and helpful. It helped us get away from dioramas, and to really make our project abstract. The feedback we got at the mid review was very positive. What was good about it, was the fact that she really liked our product, and she did not suggest that we went a different route. For some groups, I heard that the feedback was to take a whole new path. For us it was to keep exactly what we have, but make it more immersive and add sound and smell. We decided that because of the time frame, we would chooses one of those senses and add it in. So that resulted in us adding headphones to the mask.