Reflection Drew

Drew Hosmer

Reflect on at least three takeaways that you learned from creating your project.

I grew my knowledge on folk music, and me peoples skill grew as well. 

I familiarized myself with the laser cutter.

My understanding on how to use senses to tell a story was heightened throughout the project.

Explain what was difficult for you during this process and why.

It was difficult to be met with a problem like there was no material that we needed and to change the idea of our project to fit new material.

Talk about feedback that you received and how you were able to incorporate that into your process.  

Mr. Alton gave us feedback on the handles for our project and the idea was to make them out of wood but it changed when Mr. Alton gave us leather to create leather handles. This proved to be a better option and more comfortable for who ever holds the accordion.