Denata's Cross
For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of god you may receive what is promised.
By Jason, Matthew, and Angus
Our goal of this project is to make a 3d wooden cross out of laser-cutting that displays Denata's belief in religion and a huge heart for art where the inside is going to be a tree(one of Denata's main artwork) that has light shining under the platform that shows Denata's resilience and hope of making the world a better place. Her bright side is shown when the light turns on as it closes to become a completed cross and when the cross opens and is not completed, the light will shut down.
Conceptual Precedent
Technical Precedent
Additional Precedent
First Sketch
Second Sketch
Third Sketch
Final Sketch
First prototype
Feedback from Midreview
- The drawing that we put inside the cross were literal.
- Using wood will show the interviewee's interest in architecture becuse it is a building material.
- Use stronger materials like wood to make it look more realistic and stable.
- Using lights would show a better example of her dark side and the bright side.
Second iteration
Third iteration
Final iteration: Front view of general cross
Final iteration: inside view