Safe Skate

Keenan Gray

By Zach and Coffy

Background should be Final Image



Safe Skate is a longboard add-on that allows for a safer urban riding experience by using shock absorption and lighting. The first of the two part system that allows for the user to stay safe while riding is the responsive lighting located under the deck that will show when you are turning and stopping. It is able to do this because of the accelerometer and arduino that is housed on the longboard at all times. The second way that Safe Skate protects its riders from poorly paved roads is by using suspension that is mounted between the trucks and the board, all while allowing them to have a better longboarding experience.

Testing your arduino

Jiyoo Jye

Blink Code 

Testing your arduino connection

Before you start using your tiny new computer (aka Arduino) you are going to run a test. Using the blink code, you will be able to see a simple physical output where a built in LED blinks from the board.

Before you begin, you will need the Arduino Software downloaded. Refer to the link below this post for instructions. 

Before you start this test, follow the instructions here: Installing Arduino

Connection Controller

Keenan Gray

Connection Controller

By Elijah Rhyne

Background should be Final Image

Video games are often played better with controllers that are customized for the game. Connection Controller is designed to be a base controller that can be modified to best work with a variety of different games. I explored, through form factor and electronic circuitry, several designs that connect a user more closely to the game that they are playing.

Big Button Presentation

Keenan Gray

By Finn Mayeux

Background should be Final Image

Big Buttons

The idea to the project was based around a rhythm game, "Friday Night Funkin", in which you had to press the set of arrow keys on your computer at the same time the arrows are shown on screen.

I wanted to make a custom controller for this and other games like it to include more movement and exercise while playing. I also wanted it to have a customizable size so it could go from the size of your hand to a full dance dance revolution foot pad


Keenan Gray

Sketching through motion

Moving Maquettes

'Control-A-Sphere' is a alternative game controller made from a large sphere seat from which the user would shift their weight to influence the virtual world. We made Control-A-Sphere to help people stay active by requiring an active core and good balance but still giving people the enjoyment of their games

Example Presentation

Alessandra Manganaro

The Rain Remover

Created by Alessandra Manganaro

1 / 16

Sample 1

Keenan Gray


Ultrasonic Sensor (Large)

Liam Brady

Ultrasonic sensors are distance sensors that use sound waves to detect how far away an object is. They send out high frequency bursts of sound and listen for its echo. They then determine how far away the object is based on how long it takes for the sound to return to the sensor. This variety requires an Arduino library to operate.


NewPing Library

#include <NewPing.h>

NewPing mysensor(5, 6, 200);

void setup() {

void loop() {
  int pingTime =;

  int distance = mysensor.ping_in();

  int distance_cm = mysensor.ping_cm();



Keenan Gray

Skills : Technical Drawing

Description : We will the studio with sketching practice, both as an evaluation of foundational skills, and as a jumping off point for this movement oriented studio.

Materials : Pencil and Paper

Instructions : 

  1. There are 4 videos in the post above, they are beginner->intermediate drawing tutorials for capturing motion through sketches. We will watch the first one together, then begin the assignment, and play the other 3 while student's work.

    Each video presents a slightly different style, feel free to choose what feels right for your ability.

  2. Identify three poses to draw. Each pose should be easy to repeat and not strain you.  The poses should involve motion of the head, arms, or legs. 
    • Think walking, dancing, leaping, or swimming. How does your body move?
    • Draw inspiration form Instagram/Youtube/TikTok. 
  3. Create several sketches for each pose. Utilize the advice in the video (summarized below)
    • Draw lightly and correct mistakes by drawing over top with darker lines. 
    • Keep the shapes simple, using small circles for joints and lines and simple polygons for more static shapes like the chest or hips. 
    • Draw, Draw, Draw - the more you draw the better the practice and the better the drawing will become.

Deliverable : Post in the response tab with at least 3 sketches showing 3 unique poses in motion. Label the motion with arrows and describe the action.