Visual Storytelling

Historical Context

Idrissa Ballo

Erick and I are working on our project called "Tony's Edifice" which is a Pyramid but 2 side of the pyramid being the right size, the 2 other sides being made out of fires. The Pyramids were constructed in  2580–2560 B.C with granite and limestone. One was built for Pharaoh Khufu, the second pyramid was built for the Pharaoh Khafre and the third Pyramid was for the Pharaoh Menkaure.  Tony had gone to the Pyramids in the 70s, in 70s Egypt:

Egypt was under the ruling of Anwar Al-Sadat (1970-1981). While he was ruling, he negotiated with Israel to make peace. He then broke ties with the Soviet Union and worked with the U.S.  Egypt and Syria teamed up to try to take back the Sinai Peninsula from Israel, though it didn't work. He then went to Israel's parliament in 1977, which was very unusual because the countries were just fighting each other. In 1978, Sadat went to the U.S and met with Jimmy Carter and the Prime Minister of Israel. They then agreed on an agreement called the Camp David Accords. This meant that Israel withdrew from the Sinai. The agreement served as a peace treaty for both countries. Both Anwar Al-Sadat and the Israeli Prime Minister in 1978 won the Nobel Peace Prize.

-October 1973 War

-The Assassination Of President Anwar Al-Sadat

Artist Statement

Idrissa Ballo and Erick Sun

The idea behind our invention is that we wanted to make something symbolic for Tony to really hit home for him. When we interviewed Tony, he told us an anecdote about how he visited the pyramids in Egypt in the 70s, and while he was there he saw a prisoner and prison guard. The prisoner started defecating, and to clean himself, he had used a stone. Tony said this changed his perspective on life, as he then realized how privileged he was. Erick and I wanted to make a symbolic figure and with the help of Mr. Minehart, we laser-cut fire in the shape of 2 triangles with an led strip going in between, displaying different colors such as red, yellow and a rainbow color. We then placed 21 different hieroglyphs around the box and the little plank of wood in the front reads "Anger, Shame".

The excruciating heat and fierce winds began to leech on my face and as I got closer, I could see the prisoner using a piece of rough, gray gravel as toilet paper to clean himself.  I held my camera near my eyes ready to take a shot, but then heard the prison guard yell, "HEYY!!"

I then ran away without hesitation, holding my camera as tightly as possible. As the heat continued to pound on my body, and as the dusty winds began to fill my nostrils, I  pictured what life would be like if I were in that same predicament. This moment changed my life forever.


Ben Su

Reflect on at least three takeaways that you learned from creating your project.

1) The first takeaway is that I learned more about how to use the laser cutter and also some of the tools in the CCI

2) The second takeaway from this project is that I learned how to corporate with my partners and that time management is important

3)  The third takeaway is that we are not trying to recreate the memory but to include sensory details to make people feel in the moment that the interviewees were in

Explain what was difficult for you during this process and why.

The difficult part of the process is that sometimes we don't have classes together with my partners, so I would have to do some parts of the project on my own.

Talk about feedback that you received and how you were able to incorporate that into your process.  

After the mid review, the coaches suggested us to do the final project without the tricycle idea but remain the idea of the hubcaps spinning so there are sensory details. We took their suggestions and focused more on the hubcaps than the tricycle.

Historical Context

Amen Turner

Pat was born in the 1940s. She never told us her age but she said she started collecting hubcaps in her 40s which is around the 1980s. She said the hubcaps from the 1980s looked terrible. So when she started collecting hubcaps they were from the 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s. She mentioned the shininess of the hubcaps stood out to her. When we asked her if she was a flashy person she said she rather look flashy than dull. And the metal hubcaps caught her attention. She had such a passion for this that she said when her friends would find hubcaps, they would pull over and get them for her. In the 1980s when she started collecting them, the hubcaps in the 70s and 80s were made of plastic and she didn't like that.

Reflection - Scott

Clement Scott

Reflect on at least three takeaways that you learned from creating your project.

1. I learned how to take senses from certain moments and recreate them using a physical model

2. I learned how to use the laser cutter tool.

3. I got better at analyzing and breaking down stories.

Explain what was difficult for you during this process and why.

Personally, the hard part of this project was the beginning. We were doing all these assignments and we were told these would help with our interviews with the residents at the Scandinavian living center. There were 2 which helped with the interview but the rest just seemed like randomly assigned tasks to help fill in the gaps. It was difficult because I needed more time to decide what I really wanted to do with my project and have more time to just brainstorm.

Talk about feedback that you received and how you were able to incorporate that into your process.  

Getting consistent feedback was a struggle. I went to three different teachers hoping they could give me something helpful which they did; however the next teacher contradicted what the previous one had said and so on. I did recieve some good feedback when we had the scandinavian residents come over to see what we had made. The feedback came from teachers that werent part of the project but actually proved incredibly helpful. Unfortunatly by then it was too late to make any changes to our project so if we had a bit more time we could implement those changes. In the end I got good feedback but it was too late to change anything.

Historical Context - Jason & Clement

Jason Wong

Our project to designed for Pat and the part of her life living on a boat in Florida. Pat lived on a egg harbor boat in Florida for 13 years. Because Pat was born in 1939 and lived on the boat from approximately when she was 30, we can deduce that she lived on the boat from circa 1969-1982. An important political event would be Watergate and Nixon's impeachment; however, Pat says she does not recall this event and was certainly not affected by this. Therefore, I researched a few other historical context that might have affected Pat. I learned that 1960-1970 was is a period that Florida government passed a number of laws regarding the preservation of historic sites. For example, in 1966 National Historic Preservation Act passed, also in that year the first State Historic Preservation Officer hired. And in 1971, Museum of Florida History chartered. This movement might have affected Pat because a number of ports were selected as historic sites so she will definitely be more circumspect while using them. Another historical context is the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea. This conference eventually decided the UN Law of the Sea. The boat she lived in is also noteworthy. Egg harbor boats are on average more than 100,000 dollars, which approximately equal to one third of the price of a house in rural area. This definitely would not be a small amount of investment at that time. Although egg harbor boats are at the lower end of spectrum of yachts. If we speculate the trend of boat price over time, even though boat price has been increasing continuously since the Great Depression, it was indeed unwise to invest in a boat instead of a rel estate which has significant higher growth rate over the last decades.

Artistic Statement (Revised)

Jason Wong and Clement Scott

          Our goal for this project was to recreate what Pat felt when she was out on the water. We tried to do that by making a scaled down version of a wind tunnel. The tunnel is small and you can put your face or hand inside of it. There are fans on the bottom so you feel the wind and spritz bottles shoot water which simulates ocean spray. The water will be salt water so it smells like the ocean. Pat lived on a boat for a while in Florida and would often go boating with her husband in Connecticut.  They would do lots of activities such as fishing while boating but the thing pat said she loved most was the serenity of just enjoying her surroundings and admiring the beauty of the nature around her. Inside the wind tunnel there will be things that you can see that will remind Pat of her time on the water. We are trying to simulate sight, touch, and smell to create an experience as close to being on the water in Connecticut as possible.

I walked out from the cabin and embraced the first gleam of sun in the morning. As I sat still on the boat the a strong gust of refreshing wind blew the cold ocean spray in my face replenishing my vibrancy. When the last fog vanished in the light of the sun, I saw two pigeons flying freely above the boundless sea. I smelled the ocean salt in the air as I looked out and saw the calm waves lapping over the wet rocks.

Reflection piece

Drake Melo

Overall the project was one of the best project experiences I've had. We got to learn about people and their life stories and then try to make a visual representation of a part of their life. My I-Lab skills were also enhanced during this project. Learning to take in feedback and changing ideas.

3 takeaways/ challenges

Nate Gelb

1: it is easier to use the I Lab then I thought. I got way better in the laser cutting and building.

2. I think it will make a big impact on Nelvia's life, which originally I thought it would barely faze her.

3. That I am very creative and I can make good ideas.

The biggest challenge was getting laser-cut availability because our project revolved around laser cutting, it was very fun overall and it was easier then I thought.

Historical Context 1955

Nate Gelb

The story of the cabin being built took place in 1955 when her husband retired from teaching at Michigan university. Michigan University is located in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Ann Arbour at the time: Ann Arbor, Michigan was a  town with houses, stores and a very big college in the center. Nothing major happened in 1955 except in January of 1955 The bakery "Quality Bakery" Caught fire and burnt nearly down overall the damage cost $25,000.

Michigan University: There wasn't much online about the University of Michigan in 1955. The only thing I found was there, the football team. The Wolverines finished 12th in the AP poll and 3rd in the Big 10 conference.