Visual Storytelling (Spring 2023)

Artist Statement

Ethan Goldberg and 2 OthersNicholas Scarano
Tianze Dai

At the beginning of our project Alex, Nick, and I wanted to take a very symbolic object from her life and turn it into a very memorable project. Our interviewee, Carol, was very passionate about her photography so or group worked together to make a project about a camera. For our first prototype we used cardboard and tinfoil just as an idea of what we wanted to accomplish. Our group decided on making a rotating picture wheel of pictures inside a larger camera to demonstrate her life. Our next steps was to make a larger version of the camera so we can add the pictures inside. We used cardboard, wood, and paint to make this possible. Our theme we wanted to get across was the sense of family and doing what you love.

The sensory details that we want to get across is visualizing the times that you are most happy, and enjoying the time with family and with family traditions. If I was the user I should feel very appreciative and get some happy memories.

Mid Review

Markos Argiros and 2 OthersAllan Lu
Justin Urey

Andrea Pinansky


Allan Lu and 2 OthersMarkos Argiros
Justin Urey

Andrea decided to take part in a singing career along with her cooking career. She equally loves both cooking and singing, but showed the most interest in her son. Andrea liked having freedom as a kid. The most interesting part of the interview was when she said that cooking at Fessy was the least stressful career path she has ever taken. 

Andrea was born in Boston City Hospital. She grew up in an Italian and Irish household. Both her mom and dad were very supportive of what she wanted to do. Later in her life, her mom and dad had a divorce. Andrea was very dedicated to work. As soon as she was old enough to legally work she got her first job. Andrea was the only child growing up.

Andrea is currently working at Fessenden as a part of the kitchen and food service staff. She is still singing though it is no longer her main job (it used to be). She also has a son which she believes is her greatest achievement. “My greatest achievement is my son” Andrea is very proud of her son. She is also proud of all her other accomplishments such as singing, cooking, and other experiences she has had. She said that if she were to blink and only see one thing it would be her family. This shows that she is very proud of her family and believes that her family is a very important part of her life. 

Mid Review

Markos Argiros and Allan Lu

city of light

Allan, Markos, Justin

"bring light by song"

Junior's Shoes final presentation

Yuan Bin Su and 2 OthersDylan Altschuler
Runhao Qian

By Aidan Su, Alex Qian, and Dylan Altschuler

Moving forward through difficulty

Junior's Shoes

This post is for our final presentation for our project in the Storytelling Unit.

final review

Kayden Hurd and 4 OthersKayden Hurd
Diaby Doucoure
Jovan Dushku
Dylan Cooney

theres always a light through the darkness

Light Through The Darkness

By Dylan, Kayden, Jojo, Diaby

Final Presentation

Ganghun Kim and 2 OthersAngus Sullivan
Matthew McAdam

Denata's Cross

For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of god you may receive what is promised.

By Jason, Matthew, and Angus

Final Presentation

Justin Feldman and 2 OthersLucas Gomes
Ricardo Frías Inoa

A Fork In The Road

By: Lucas Gomes, Justin Feldman and RIcky Frias

Final Presentation


Damien Lareau and 2 OthersAdam Farb
Zenas Kerslake

Impact of a Word

By Zenas, Damien, And Adam.


Dillon Boitano and 2 OthersDesmond Baugh
Warren Colby

This is the feedback we were given. We are now looking for next steps